
Fringes | Hair Trends for 2015

Wednesday 11 February 2015

As one of the biggest trends for this year, many of you will ask yourselves "should I add a fringe to my new hairstyle?"
A small change with a big difference. A fringe can change someone's look completely so understandably it's a huge deal.
Fringe hairstyles can range from a full fringe look or you can get a subtle look with a fringe by adding in pieces that blend in with your layers.

So you've decided you want to go for a fringe. But what type of fringe? They come in every shape and form. Short, long, full, straight, concave, curtain, side etc

zooey deschanel bangs fringes hair

Looking at your face shape is important. There’s a fringe to suit every shape. It takes a few weeks to get used to a fringe as it can feel strange and changes your look. Give it at least 2 trims before you decide to grow it out again – most people find that once they’re used to it they love it.

Short and choppy is great If you have a small face a short fringe will look great.
Short and straight fringe is great for a smaller face with smaller features.
Sweeping fringe is  good to soften a squarer face.
Long and textured fringe is good to give round faces a more flattering shape.
Straight fringe looks great on heart shapes.
The flick can widen a small face.
A big fringe can give you extra height

If you have a big forehead then a short fringe can make it look bigger. If your features are big, for example, your nose, then a sweeping fringe can take away from this.

A fringe takes a lot more maintenance which many people don't consider. You'll need it trimmed regularly - every 3-4 weeks is about right. Fringes are great if they’re well looked after. They can quite easily look greasy or scruffy if too long. As many salons, we offer our clients complimentary fringe trims in between hair cutting visits. Please go instead of cutting it yourself.

After washing your hair. Make sure you comb your fringe right away so it sits right or it will be a nightmare to get it to behave later on. Often you might need to blow-dry it to make it look it's best. It doesn't take long so worth the extra minute or so in the morning to look fabulous for the rest of the day. Blow dry your fringe over a large round brush. If your  skin is prone to blemishes, it will keep your hair off your skin  as much as possible. A trace of hair spray also helps because it envelopes the hair and keeps it from soaking  up excess oil.

Touch your hair and fringe as little as possible. Your hands pick up millions of germs throughout the day and you don’t want to transfer them to your skin and hair. You can also make your hair a lot greasier a lot faster.

Dealing With The “Cow-lick.”

If you have a strong cow-lick there is no point trying to have a dead straight fringe.

If you have a gentle cow-lick, to style your fringe put a water-based gel on the roots of your fringe and rub the roots with your fingers. This ‘confuses’ the root area and the follicles don’t know what direction to lie in. Now blow-dry into your desired style aiming the hairdryer down the hair shaft - this will keep your fringe looking great all day.

Don’t hide behind a fringe -  Use it to bring out your best features.

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