
2015 in pictures

Thursday 31 December 2015

We have just moved in to 2016. I want to share a little bit from my 2015. I'm sure we all have had our ups and downs. But as usual I like to focus on the positive in life. 2015 was an exciting year especially for my blog as I started my blog in February and my YouTube channel in March. It's been an incredible journey and I've learned so much. I've also traveled to amazing places like Thailand, Cambodia and finished the year in Iceland. 

Enjoyed some beautiful visits home to Sweden. 

I made a video on how to do a Swedish Midsummer crown with my friend Jess.

Loved doing hair tutorials among other things on my YouTube channel.

       Went to see Blur in Hyde Park

    Took my mum to Paris in the summer.

Ran my first half marathon. Here I am with my friend Tor after the finishing line. 

Had a great time in Thailand and Cambodia celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary. 

Discovered some new exciting organic beauty brands.

As always I had some good times as work creating some beautiful hairstyles.

      Attended my first blogging event. 

      Ended the year in Iceland. 


What was your highlights of 2015? 


  1. Such fantastic moments!! I'm hoping to do my first half marathon this year *fingers crossed*. Also those Swedish crowns - I'm definitely checking out that YouTube video right now. :)

    E x

    1. Hi Eleanor!
      Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Yay which half marathon are you doing? I'm doing another one this year. All the best training.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a beautiful post - you are very skilled at photography! xx

    1. Aw thank you so much. I've always loved taking photos.


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