
Last minute christmas gift ideas

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Christmas is quickly approaching and you can see the panic in people’s eyes. But no stress, I have some great gift ideas that won’t cost the earth. 
If you want some more green beauty gift ideas, have a look at green beauty gift guide here

For the lash-obsessed 
Do you have a friend/girlfriend/sister that’s obsessed with her eyelashes? Then this lash oil from Bowe Organics is a perfect present or a stocking filler. It’s an oil to strengthen your eye-lashes but works great for the fine lines around your eyes too. It's £20 and will last you a long while.

For the hair lover
Do you know someone who is precious about their hair or maybe should be? Then the Aquis essentials hair towel is a great present. It’s made of Aquitex, a fabric that’s woven from ultra-fine fibres with superior water wicking capabilities that is also gentle on your hair. It dries the hair faster and helps to reduce frizz and breakage. There's a range of different towels and price starts from around £30.
Another great present is hair oil baubles from Alchemy oils. It’s a Christmas bauble with their amazing hair oils that protect and strengthen the hair. You can use it as a serum for shine or a treatment. For £11 it's a great stocking filler too.

For the skincare lover
We all know someone who loves skincare and Christmas is a great time to introduce someone to green beauty. Sukin’s Love your skin - 3 step face kit would be a great start. With a cleanser, toner and moisturiser you couldn’t ask for anything else. These are also easy to find in Holland & Barrett or wholefoods so a big plus for the last minute running out the day before Christmas kind of gift and it's only £20.

For the book lover 
Books are always a great gift. I love giving and getting some of the classics with new pretty covers. Nice covers always make it a bit extra special. But to be honest I do think books are a great present. You can always find something for everyone. Or for someone who reads a lot, maybe consider a Kindle.  

For the conscious soul
A t-shirt made from organic cotton is a great gift for anyone who likes t-shirts or who worries about the planet. This t-shirt is from Dedicated brand and is 100% cotton. These days there are so many wonderful brands that do sustainable clothes and there’s something for everyone. Anything from organic socks to a nice bag. There’s so much stuff out there. Just because it’s Christmas we can’t forget about our planet. 

Have you bought all your Christmas gifts yet?

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