
Goals for 2019

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Wow,  we are already a week in 2019. I often get overwhelmed with how fast time goes sometimes. But I have also decided not to get stressed. I’m often not even done with my plans and goals for the year before most people already given up on their resolutions. But I think that’s ok. No point rushing but instead taking time to make up plans and have thought through plans. 

2018 was an interesting year. I felt like the beginning was just getting worse and worse but there were a few breaking points where I now can look back and see how from there it helped me to grow and improve. It was a tiring year but I come out of it feeling energised and motivated full of hopes. I’m actually excited for 2019 as I feel like 2018 was a year to prepare me and mould me to get ready. 

I must admit my blogging suffered a lot last year. I often lost my motivation or I just didn’t have the energy. I decided to actually stop with my YouTube because it’s too time-consuming for the time being. But I’m excited about the blog. I will continue to steer it in the conscious lifestyle direction and not just focusing on green beauty, but more fashion and just conscious living in general. I hope you’re excited for that too. 

On my social media, you’ll see a lot of training as I’m planning on running my first marathon this year in June. However, I’m injured at the moment so just working on strengthening my muscles, to begin with. 

I’m also hoping to go somewhere amazing this year. 

I can’t wait to tag you along on my journey and please let me know some of your goals for 2019. 

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