
How To Care For Your Muscles The Green Way

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

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I’ve been back running a lot recently. I’m actually planning on running a marathon next year. But with lots of training comes sore muscles. I’ve been collecting some great green beauty muscle relieves lately and wanted to share with you all as I think it’s something that doesn’t often come to mind when thinking about natural products.

First of all, I got some great balms from Herbfarmacy. Easy breath balm and Arnica balm. Herbfarmacy has so many great balms and worth adding to your first aid kit.
Easy breath balm is a natural substitute to Vicks. It’s great for when you have a cold. But as you might know, many sports athletes use it on their chests to be able to breath better when running especially when it’s cold. And it’s sure got cold in Sweden recently. 
The arnica balm is a herbal medicinal product used for muscular pain, stiffness, bruising, cramps, sprains and minor sports injuries. A great product to have at hand for those poor muscles.

Another product I love is Odylique’s 100% natural muscle ease massage oil. It’s amazing for sore muscles and feels amazingly soothing massaging into sore muscles and gives a great relief. You can also add a few sprays into a bath. The scent is great too with ingredients like black pepper, lavender, marjoram and thyme it also relaxes all your senses.

Another brand I discovered a while back but don’t think I ever mentioned is Le Chateau du Bois Provence. It’s a French brand using a lot of lavender. My two favourite products are After sports gel and Refreshing and tonic gel both approved by Ecocert. The after sports is a heated gel that is beyond amazing for when you’re in pain. It also contains Arnica.
The refreshing gel is a cooling gel and is perfect for tired and aching feet and legs. I also used it a lot in the hot summer months just to cool myself down. 

I’m so happy to have found all these amazing products to look after my body and no need for any toxic ingredients just to care for healthy muscles and joints. Have you tried any of these?

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