
My Birthday weekend

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

I treated myself with taking 4 days off for my birthday weekend. Both my mind and body have been tired and overworked so what better time to take some time off? 

I’ve decided to start a new series that’s called my weekends, where I will add a little bit of lifestyle to share what I’m up to. As well as share what green beauty products I’m trying out/liking at the moment. I thought it would be a bit more personal and hopefully, you’ll enjoy it. Please leave any thoughts in the comments below. I’m also taking this time to also stop having my blog in Swedish as well as English. It’s taking a lot of my time and I feel my blog suffers because of it. There’s always google translate which is almost the same level as my rusty Swedish anyway. 

I started my Friday with just indulging in myself. I began with doing some yoga. I found a great video on YouTube (Yoga with Adrienne) that really helped open up my stiff muscles. I’ve been trying recently to get back into my fitness with running and also adding some yoga and Pilates. It feels so great to move and I have more energy and feel better about myself. 

I then had my own little spa session. I’ve been trying a few products from Isla Apothecary recently and they’re wonderfully indulging. I poured a bath with their ‘Relax & Recover’ bath salts. Nothing relaxes me more than a long hot bath, with lit candles and some relaxing music. It makes me feel like a completely new person afterwards. 

I finished off with a good scrub with Isla’s coffee and cinnamon body polish. This thing is addictive. I love the smell of it and it stays on your skin for a while too. I love how clean you feel after a good scrub. 

The last of their products I’m trying is the Turmeric ‘Refine & Radiate’ face mask. I love the thought of yet another use for turmeric and how great with a bright yellow mask. My skin feels great after using it. I'm mighty impressed with Isla apothecary, such luxurious organic and vegan products and they look great too. I'm adding all of their products on my wish list.

I then spent most of the day doing blog stuff, which I hope will be up soon for you all. 

The Saturday I spent finally filming two YouTube videos. I’ve been meaning to film for ages but we had so many visits that I haven’t been able too. But I’m happy that I’ve friends and family want to visit so no complaints. 

There have been a few coffee breaks (Fika) with friends this weekend too. I love catching up with friends over a cup of tea and maybe a vegan cinnamon bun at Vetekatten. 

On Saturday evening I and Stephen went to see the new Thor movie. It was a good watch. However, I’m looking forward to when Justice league is out in just over a week. 

I want to mention a couple of other products I’m trying at the moment from Neal’s Yard Remedies. It’s Deliciously Ella’s shower gel and body lotion. They have a fresh scent of rose and lime. I’m loving the shower gel. I’m not too sure about the body lotion though. I find the scent being a bit overwhelming, but it’s lovely on the skin and feels very moisturising. They're both vegan too. 

Sunday we had my mum visiting and spent the evening watching Modern family as she hasn't seen the show before. Of course, she liked it as it’s such a good show. 

Monday was finally my birthday and I took the day off from work. It started with some presents. I got few great things. We then took a stroll to enjoy the beautiful weather. The sun finally decided to show for the first time in weeks. I also got a chance to use my new converse I got as a birthday present. 

I and Stephen had a light lunch with cava and snacks. I made a little vegan cheese board with the blue cheese from Tesco free from section. 

We then just chilled out watching Netflix until time for dinner. We went to one of our favourite restaurants, Kokyo, that have the most amazing dumplings. 

I had a wonderful weekend, but as always it goes way too quickly and it’s time for work again. I hope you enjoyed this post and please leave a comment below. Would love to hear what you like to do on the weekend. 


  1. Lovely idea to add this segment to your blog! :)

    1. Thank you Jess!
      I’m glad that you like it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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