
How to get involved with Fashion revolution week

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Today is Earth day and here are some things you can do for Earth day and tomorrow Fashion Revolution Week starts. I want to share some things you can do to get involved for the sake of our planet and the people who live here.

Firstly let me explain a bit more about what Fashion Revolution Week means. 
Fashion Revolution week was born on 24th April 2013. That was the day the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh collapsed. 1,138 people died and another 2,500 were injured, which made it the fourth largest industrial disaster in history. 
Fashion Revolution believes in a fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure. That’s how the campaign #whomademyclothes that runs every April. During the week people are encouraged to ask brands with the hashtag #whomademyclothes. Brands and producers are encouraged to respond with the hashtag #imadeyourclothes and to show transparency in their supply chain. 

Transparency is very important as many don’t know the impact our clothes have on people and our planet. Once we have more information we have a choice to do wise choices for our planet and other peoples lives. We can choose sustainable and fair clothing. And it’s not as hard as it might sound.

Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

Post a picture 
A great way to be involved is by taking a photo of your clothing label and asking the brand #whomademyclothes. Post it on Instagram and Twitter tag the brand and make sure you get an answer. If they don’t respond you should tell Fashion Revolution. Make sure you challenge your friends to do the same and more people can get involved. 

Watch True Cost
A documentary of the true cost of your clothes. Education is an important part of the change. If people knew what’s behind our cheap clothes people would buy a lot less or not at all. Make sure you watch True Cost this week. It’s available on Netflix. Share with your friends or why not watch it together. 

Try a #haulternative 
If you want to avoid buying new clothes you should do a #haulternative challenge. It’s a great way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes. You can thrift shopping or do a clothes-swap with your friends. 

photo credit to Emily Kaboni
Discover sustainable brands
It's also a good time to discover some of the amazing clothing brands that are actually doing their bit for making the clothing industry a better place. I'm wearing some of my favourite sustainable and ethical clothes in above picture. The shirt is from Beaumont Organic. These jeans are from Kings of Indigo. Both I found in one of my favourite shops, Ecosphere that only stock ethical brands. The socks are also sustainably made from organic cotton by an upcoming brand Kind Socks that will launch on Kickstarter soon. 

Write a letter
Ask your local policymaker what they are doing to create a fairer, safer, cleaner more transparent fashion industry. Your voice has power, so make sure you use it. You can even write letters to brands asking #whomademyclothes. Let them know it’s not ok to take advantage of the planet and people’s lives. 

Photo credit to Therese Billing
Tell a love story
Instead of buying new clothes. Fall back in love with your old clothes. And what better time than rediscover your old spring and summer clothes. Share your love story. 

If you want to get more ideas of what you can do head over to Fashion Revolution.

What are some of the things you're doing for Fashion Revolution Week?

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