
My Midsummer Weekend

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Its been a week since midsummer, but I’ll blame the heat wave and sunstroke. I still wanted to share few pictures from my midsummer. In Sweden, we celebrate Midsummer on the longest (lightest day of the year). I and Stephen took the train down to Kalmar for the weekend. Where our good friends, Jess & Colin lives. We met when we all used to live in London a few years ago. We also had a bunch of friends visiting from London and all of them had kids since last time we hung out so was lots of fun. 

It was great to catch up with each other and Kalmar had probably the best weather of all of Sweden. Midsummer is normally notorious for the exceptionally bad weather.

Beautiful Öland

Vegan midsummer food

We added some Britishness with Pimms
At Midsummer eve we did a trip over the bridge and went to Öland. It’s a beautiful island worth a visit. There were even more people joining us and we had traditional midsummer lunch and I had the vegan version. We then made flower crowns and later went in the back of a tractor to then dance around a midsummer pole. All very traditional Swedish midsummer.

It was a lovely and relaxing weekend and it’s always great to catch up with good friends. 

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